It has been a long day …

… and I have no real post content. Instead I’m going to ask a question. Would people like to see some historical movie reviews? I would mainly be focusing on things I can watch on Lovefilm or Netflix, but on the other hand those would be things that you could also watch and compare. I could do it as a regular feature: Movie Mondays or something. 

If that sounds interesting, do you have any suggestions? 

It has been a long day …

Logo design contest! Moderately fabulous prizes to be won!

So, if you look up at the top of this blog you will see that its banner is some ugly nonsense from the generic wordpress site. This is because I not only stink at graphic design but also stink at deciding what to put on my banner. And that is where you, sparse readers, come in! If you will design me a 700 x 200 pixel banner that says “Gonzo History Project” on it somewhere and looks like what you think this blog’s banner should look like I will try to do something cool for you. 

You see, I do not have much money but what I do have is a bunch of old shite I already have lying around fabulous prizes! Two lucky runners-up will receive a personalised Gonzo History Prize Package and one talented first-place winner will receive an Ultra Spectacular Gonzo History Prize Package de Super-Luxe! Each package will contain weird old pamphlets, esoteric documents, ephemera of various kinds, books on subject obscure, recondite and/or ridiculous, and whatever other tasteful gifts I can fit in. And if you tell me your favourite kind of sweets I’ll put some in there too. And of course I will link to whatever you want me to link to, sing your praises to the heavens, etc. 

The deadline will be … let’s say next Friday, that’s Friday the 16th of August, and entries should be sent to me at gonzohistory AT gmail DOT com. I have no idea if anyone will do this — it is a bit of an experiment! But it will be fun to find out. 

Logo design contest! Moderately fabulous prizes to be won!